UK Design Council RED Group
Blogging for the RED Group
Energy use, conservation, & sustainability

The UK Design Council's RED Group needed background research and sources of inspiration to supplement their work for the Future Currents energy project.

Project Details

During August 2006 I wrote a series of blog posts for the UK Design Council RED Group about energy use, conservation, and sustainability.

My research supported the RED Energy Project Future Currents.

Research     The goal of my research was to find current best practices and technology related to home energy use and conservation.

Topics of the blog posts included home automation, green taxes, negawatts, and the fuel poor, among others.

My research had a secondary benefit of providing some background for my thesis project.

Blog posts     A complete list of my blog posts, arranged by date (earliest to latest):

Home Automation and Energy Savings
Negawatts - Reconceptualising Saving Energy
A.C. Pigou and Green Taxes
Energy efficiency credits
Tree Rings and Metering
Energy Use and Loyalty Rewards
Encouraging Efficiency Uptake
Assisting the Fuel Poor
Green Tags
Green Tags part 2
Hot Water and CO2
Energy Monitoring and Metering
Home Energy Audits and Services