Still rendering of the wind-power generator with a transparent housing.

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Another view of the 3D model.

Blade prototypes made on the SLA

AutoCAD wireframe model.

3D rendering of the wind-power generator exterior.
I created a 3D model and animation of a wind-power generator and designed and tested new blade prototypes.
Design, fabrication, & testing I reverse engineered a wind-power generator, created a 3D model in AutoCAD, and animated the model using 3D studio.
I also designed new blades in AutoCAD, created several prototypes with a Stereo Lithographic Apparatus (SLA), and tested the prototypes in a wind tunnel.
After gathering test data, I revised my prototype design and created several new blade models with the SLA.
Observation A shortcoming of SLA prototypes is that they are useful for analyzing form, but other attributes, such as material weight, cannot be accurately modeled.